Monday, April 21, 2008

New calf and grain planting

Pictures of cows from last year

The 1st calf of the year arrived today. Poor timing on her part. It is windy and cold, about 42 degree for the high and the wind has blowing steady and hard all day. She wants to go back in I think.
We have about 30 head of stock/beef cows. Mostly Charolais, which are a creamy white. The calves look very white with cute pink noses. We also have some that are mixed with Hereford, which are red with white faces and some that are just mixed breed (meaning they can be greyish, tan or yellow-tan with white faces.
Jon drilled wheat all day. Finished up the 40 acres on the back half of the farm. We will have about 80 acres wheat and 220 acres alfalfa hay this year. He drill the front 40 acres on Saturday. The wind made it a miserable job. He had to be carful to get the drill facing the right way when it was time to add more seed so the wind didn't blow the grain around. It was probably a good thing the seed was in sacks this year instead of loose in the truck, it didn't blow nearly as much seed out on the ground. Wheat seed was $31 per sack of 80 pounds. We ordered 160 sacks, ouch no wonder our backs are tired, glad we are done.

1 comment:

Fancypants said...

What a woman! I could never be a farm girl. Also, you have been 'tagged'. See my blog entry on 23 April. Have fun.